mercoledì 16 gennaio 2013

Natura ed ebraismo al centro della prossima Giornata Europea della Cultura Ebraica (29.09.13)

SPECIAL EDITION 2013 European Day of Jewish Culture Dear Friends, We wish to thank all those who contributed to the renewed success of the 2012 European Day of Jewish Culture. The figures are impressive : Activities organised in 260 cities throughout 27 countries gathered near to 200.000 visitors, 165.091 participants - 679 activities. As you know, the success of the European Day of Jewish Culture is the result of a fruitful cooperation between Jewish and non-Jewish organisations, including professionals and volunteers among which many members of B'nai B'rith Lodges. This close cooperation and solidarity among the participating countries : i.e. Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Norway, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and Ukraine, brings together over 10.000 volunteers and professionals from different institutions to organise these events. Jewish Organisations, Historical Societies, Tourist Information Centres, Municipalities, Museums, artists and students, all working together to prepare the Day of which the official programme will be circulated on our website and on Facebook. Launched in 1996 in the Bas-Rhin (Alsace/France), under the Open Day formula by the Jewish association B'nai B'rith Hirschler in Strasbourg, in partnership with the Agence de Développement Touristique du Bas-Rhin (Tourist board of Lower Alsace), the day was progressively extended and became the European Day of Jewish Culture in 1999. From 2000 to 2003, this event was co-organised on the European level by four structures: the Agence de Développement Touristique du Bas-Rhin, B'nai B'rith Europe, the European Council of Jewish Communities and Red de Juderías de España (Spanish Jewish Network). Today, the event is being co-organised by B'nai B'rith Europe Red de Juderías de España. For all information : Details of the sequence of events to take place will be on-line from June 2013. You may also make your suggestions on Facebook, we will take them into account. We have changed our statutes so that as many associations as possible, with the same goals, can participate. The next European Day of Jewish Culture will take place Sunday September 29th 2013 THE THEME IS : Nature in Judaism - The subject can be dealt with in all forms - Making Souccas accessible - The Jewish view and environment - Opening to the world - Jewish law to preserve nature We are impatiently looking forward to your participation. If you are interested, please click here to download a form we kindly ask you to fill in and return to the B'nai B'rith office, 36, rue Dautzenberg - B-1050 Brussels, Belgium latest by April 30th, 2013, or by e-mail : Kind regards Claude BLOCH Honorary President of AEPJ You will find reports from the various countries and the list of coordinators on our website.

Gran pubblico per la presentazione di "Una donna ebrea. Hannah Arendt" - Luciano Editore

Pubblico assai folto all'iniziativa con il Rabbino Punturello,autore del volume "Una donna ebrea. Hannah Arendt". Organizzata dal Benè Berith in collaborazione con il Museo Civico Fattori,nella splendida Sala degli Specchi di Villa Mimbelli,la presentazione ha visto la presenza di S.E il Prefetto di Livorno, Dot.ssa Costantino, del Questore della città Dr. Cardona,dell'Assessore alle Culture del Comune di Livorno Mario Tredici e del Presidente della Provincia Kutufà. Un minuto di silenzio in ricordo di Isacco Bayona (z.l.) ,mancato ieri, è stato osservato in ricordo del popolare "Nino", ultimo dei sopravvissuti livornesi ai campi di sterminio. Saluto poi del Vicepresidente Menasci,il quale ha ricordato il Presidente Piero Cassuto (z.l.) recentemente scomparso ed interventi dell'Assessore Tredici , del Prefetto Costantino e del Presidente Kutufà. Ad intervistare l'autore la Prof. Gabriella Puntoni. Assai apprezzate le parole del Rabbino Dr. Punturello ed ampio il dibattito con numerosi interventi. (5 foto)